Thursday, 13 December 2012

I've returned to the world of blogging.

The last time I posted was in April, which makes me feel as if my levels of creativity have decreased since then. (And they really have.) Seeing as it's getting chilly, staying indoors and making things and dancing on my own in my bedroom and writing self depreciating blog posts seems far more appealing than braving the frost (?)

I've had the most beautiful Summer imaginable, filled with outdoor parties, caravans, making beautiful new friendships, rekindling friendships, lots of gigs, short romances, new experiences and I even went through a period of  thinking I could actually put a label on my feelings. I don't think I spent more than three consecutive days at home from June until to end of August. Although now, I look back on it and imagine myself skipping along in a Barney The Friendly Dinosaur sort of fashion, I think that it was more of a confidence boost and an opportunity to express myself outwardly.
Now it's Winter, and perhaps when the seasons change, my moods change too. Admittedly, I sometimes indulge in spending days in bed with cold peppermint tea on my bedside table, with a look on my face that says "I'm really glum, but I'm actually really comfortable with feeling this bad." But sometimes, my eagerness to actually do something far more creative and productive rather than hedonistic usually stems from a really terrible mood, so there. 

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hanging out with Iggy Pop - How to have a lovely night in

You've spent your day doing absolutely nothing productive, perhaps you've done a bit of that work you've been putting off for weeks, but then you give up after helplessly staring at it for over half an hour. You can't be bothered to answer the door or your phone and the comfort of your bed is the only appealing place . Your friends are out tonight, it's not even raining and you're in the middle of england and that's almost a miracle, but you're stuck at home with seemingly nothing to do. You are probably left feeling like a miserable, angsty teen. You mutter to yourself as you remember that time you couldn't handle a few shots of vodka and coke and all of a sudden you're kind of glad to be alone on a Wednesday night.

If, like me,  there have been many a night where it's 11pm and it finally hits you that your friends are rubbish and that you're going to die alone, *~*~fear not~*~ for this post is about


1. Lots of blankets and cushions and chairs and stuff to make a den. Drape quilts over chairs and prop pillows up inside your den, light some candles and grab a book. Pretend you're in The Dreamers,  acquire yourself two french siblings and voila, happiness is sure to follow.

2. A stack of dvd's to watch. I'd recommend Harold And Maude, A Bout De Souffle, Annie Hall, Me And You And Everyone We Know, The Darjeeling Limited, most girly 90's film will be suitable too or anything by Michael Gondry (not the green lantern though-errrgh) and Lars Von Trier (Antichrist, if you're brave.) 
note: don't watch things like Submarine or Lost In Translation, unless you want to be left in a teary eyed heap on the floor.

I love you too, Woody Allen. I thought I'd include this picture to cheer you up xoxo

3.  Just watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show and see your troubles disappear.

4. Some records, some paper, pens and some paint. I like to put on The Idiot by Iggy in those half-sleepy hours of the morning where you feel really weird. Put on loads of good records that you can sink into, something like Slowdive or My Bloody Valentine will do. Then go grab a pen and scribble down something really meaningless and don't stop writing until you feel you've vented enough. Alternative: paint something that is probably a bit silly and that doesn't require much thought. Just go for it.

5. Have a really long bath. Baths are really wonderful and they never fail to cheer me up. Again, the french siblings could enhance this. 

6. Lots of your nans/mums neglected clothes. Play dress up! I honestly still wear my mums 80's jumpsuits and feel like those really bad barbie dolls I used to have that had loads of pairs of legwarmers and stuff. 

7. Glitter. Put it around mirrors, in your hair, on your face, just sprinkle that shit everywhere and prepare to be ~fabulous~

8. Sing really loudly and bed surf to 60's garage music. Works like a charm!

9. Drink lots of peppermint tea, eat lots of bakewell tarts, make some macaroons (the recipe is here) watch Marie Antoinette and put your hair in a really big bun and put feathers in it.

10. Write a really long letter to an imaginary lover. Imagine you're Zelda Fitzgerald. Then fold it up and hide it away somewhere and be prepared to read it back in a few weeks time and cringe.

11. Watch Peep Show, Arrested Development, Black Books or The Young Ones.

12.  Go around your house with a torch and a video camera and go ghost hunting. Pretending to be Derek Acorah from Most Haunted or something.

13. If worst comes to worst and you're still left feeling a bit glum and lonesome, force your friends to spend time with you via a series of death threats.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Days Out & Sunshine

 Greetings from the void.

It's the Easter holidays and I feel as though I should spend my time wisely. Or, go out and sing loudly in the streets, smoke a lot, spend money on silly things. It has been really sunny here in England and it's cheered my up incedible amounts after feeling really quite glum for weeks on end. (Although today it has been a bit chilly and cloudy waa.) 

I went to a vintage fair in Oxford this Saturday and didn't find much except a velvet underground canvas bag (which wasn't even vintage, but very cheap) and a pair of shoes which are quite nice.

My pasty legs deserve a bit of the English sun, I think.

My dress looks like it has white dots from a distance but they're actually really tiny skulls, how fab is that?

 While my brother's been in portugal, I've been stealing all his records and playing them in my room. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. (he's going to hate me if he finds out.)

My mum's old leather bag, that I don't know what to wear with.

        A photo of Jonah taking a photo of  me taking a photo of him

We're secretly chain smoking witches.

  This place called Watermead looks eerily like the neighbourhood in Edward Scissorhands or American Beauty. White picket fences, brightly painted houses and white street lamps, the full works!

Hopefully the weather stays delightful here, though i'm the biggest fan of the sun, I think it's still miles better than having to wear eight layers of clothing and looking like an arctic explorer in the middle of April. I don't even know when Easter is, but if I don't post before then, hope yours is wonderful!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Eventful weekends

I have been putting this off for far too long. The past few weeks now feel like hazy memories, very surreal and odd memories too.

derren brown tickets, child travelcard (far cheaper off peak tickets wehhh) playing card, message from Jonah, cigarette packet, pills, 'i love you lots and lots and lots'

About three weeks ago I went to see Derren Brown live which was really quite fab, and also quite terrifying as I found myself talking to the man (ok, reading out some numbers) popping balloons and also getting my hand glued together through suggestion. I feel as though I shouldn't give much more away and instead, urge you to go watch it yourselves!

The stamp that was put on my hand wouldn't really wash off for a few days, it served as an embarrassing reminder of the night, standing up, sweaty palmed wondering why on earth my hand wouldn't move properly.

Last Friday night me, Jonah and Serena went on a spontaneous trip to London, drank too much and found ourselves stumbling around Camden and Soho complimenting people's hair, getting fed chips by Brazilian men in McDonalds and running down busy streets laughing at absolutely nothing. We even asked a woman for directions and she told us she was on tranquilizers, then went on to collide with a telephone box.

The morning after I took some candid photos of Jonah, then we put mayonnaise in our hair, wrote angry letters to made up people with my typewriter (it's far more satisfactory to write ' you're a cunt' on a typewriter) and ate all the food in my house.

Jonah Evan Allan is a fuckin boss i love teodora sick1 m8 fam n ting infect me with ur luv kiss me with ur poison 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I'm such a terrible blogger, I will be back very soon though dears!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Glitter, shrines and Frida Kahlo

My weekend has been long and tedious but I did make a page on Frida Kahlo, full of glitter, sequins, lace and ribbon which improved it a great deal. That, and talking over the phone until silly hours about films and books and how distance is horrid. 

Note the bracelet on my wrist that I wore when I was about eight aha.
Below left  - Courtney Love shrine taken from stylerookie. Left - Tumblr
Taken from Kerplunk-Punk
Tracey Emin is one sassy woman. 
Taken from Rookie Mag

I cover myself in glitter and then I feel ~fabulous~
Image from Tumblr. 
I am contemplating making some shrines, but first I need to find a little cabinet with lots of shelves, or I might just put up some shelves on my wall. One of the first shrines will definitely be dedicated to The Virgin Suicides or Twin Peaks!

Also - here are some stills from one of my new favourite artists Erica Schreiner. She incorporates a lots of glitter and flowers - coincidentally, my two favourite things!

Hope your Sunday has been magical!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Post Valentines Celebration!

Picnic At Hanging Rock


Chloe Sevigny and Vincent Gallo were gorgeous together.

I wish Alexa Chung was my valentine...

(all images were taken from Tumblr)

Here is a collection of lovely, pink, glittery images that remind me of love and all that yucky stuff. 

Unfortunately, I suffer from post celebratory syndrome, and i'm posting this a day after Valentines!

I spent my day in town with a few friends, celebrating the freedom of being a single pringle and drinking too much rum and coke (whoops.) Pictures documenting it are coming up very soon. I'm not sure whether I have a hangover, but I've decided to spend today curled up in bed, painting like Frida Kahlo.

Whether you spent Valentines with a loved one, with friends or just in front of the telly watching soppy movies in your pyjamas with a family bag of Doritos (don't worry, that was my alternative) I hope yesterday was wonderful for you!