Thursday, 13 December 2012

I've returned to the world of blogging.

The last time I posted was in April, which makes me feel as if my levels of creativity have decreased since then. (And they really have.) Seeing as it's getting chilly, staying indoors and making things and dancing on my own in my bedroom and writing self depreciating blog posts seems far more appealing than braving the frost (?)

I've had the most beautiful Summer imaginable, filled with outdoor parties, caravans, making beautiful new friendships, rekindling friendships, lots of gigs, short romances, new experiences and I even went through a period of  thinking I could actually put a label on my feelings. I don't think I spent more than three consecutive days at home from June until to end of August. Although now, I look back on it and imagine myself skipping along in a Barney The Friendly Dinosaur sort of fashion, I think that it was more of a confidence boost and an opportunity to express myself outwardly.
Now it's Winter, and perhaps when the seasons change, my moods change too. Admittedly, I sometimes indulge in spending days in bed with cold peppermint tea on my bedside table, with a look on my face that says "I'm really glum, but I'm actually really comfortable with feeling this bad." But sometimes, my eagerness to actually do something far more creative and productive rather than hedonistic usually stems from a really terrible mood, so there.